Last month, I wrote about finding your purpose. This month we are going to explore how to express your purpose and the work you most want to do in the world.
The surprising thing for most people when they become clear on the impact they want to make is how many choices (vehicles) there are for expressing their work in the world.
If your gift and passion is in creating bridges between cultures, for example, you might do that through diplomatic leadership, international ministry, community organizing, diversity training in corporations or a myriad of other ways. It’s not been surprising after so many years to see people more overwhelmed once they’ve gained clarity than they were when they were stuck and clueless on how to proceed!
How to narrow the choices and find the right kind of work for you? The tried and true process of elimination seems to work best for our career transition coaching clients. We ask our Now What? participants to narrow their list of possibilities to three or four that appeal to them. It does not have to seem feasible or possible just yet, only appealing. Their next step is to do the research by speaking to at least three people in each possible field. It’s not that hard to find people once you have the specifics and start asking around.
What undoubtedly starts to happen is that traction starts to take place in one of the areas that are being researched. Doors keep opening, connections keep being made, and often, offers of support or even jobs get made. It is amazing how quickly some people go from what they think is an impossible leap to something new, to being on their way.
Surprisingly, some people get frightened when things happen so quickly or they somehow feel they are not as ready to commit to a change so they put the brakes on. However, in almost every case where that has happened, I eventually hear from the person that they did make the transition to what they discovered they wanted to do. It’s been three years or five at the longest, but once the truth is out, it’s very hard to take it back. Eventually the purpose and the vehicle wait out your fear and are poised and ready when you are.
The world needs what you have to offer. Choose the vehicle that can take you to prosperity and satisfaction. It is possible and it is time.
Needed this right now. Thank you! I quit my full-time job last August due to some economicly induced changes they were about to make to my position. I’d been miserable for nine years before the changes and it was only going to get worse. So I’ve been growing my yoga business since then. It’s been “slow and go” and I know I’ve been one of those you describe as “putting on the brakes”. “It’s possible and it’s time.” Thank you!