Most clients I work with have some issues around money. An issue might be raised upfront, when the client says he/she can’t afford coaching; or it may show up later in the process, when the client feels he/she can’t transition into another field because of fear around money. “Is there enough money?” “Can I afford this?” “What if I run out?” “I’m afraid of dealing with money.” “I’m no good with money.”
I recently attended a talk by a financial coach who said that our beliefs about money are solidified by the time we are five years old and mostly stem from watching how our family dealt with money. What most of us don’t realize is that we each have a set of beliefs about money and these beliefs are what drive us to make the choices we currently do. Let’s examine a few of the more common beliefs.
“I can’t afford it.”
The belief that you cannot afford something stems from a sense of scarcity and the belief that there won’t be enough to go around. The reality is you are not making the potential purchase a priority in your life, leading you to believe you cannot “afford” it. You can afford to buy lots of things, but you choose not to. By changing the language to “I choose not to at this time,” you take ownership of your decision and you claim your power. When you say, “I can’t afford it,” you are acting as a victim of circumstances and you give away your power. Read full article here.
Kirsten – Thanks for pointing out how our beliefs about money start at an early age and we don’t even realize we are carrying these beliefs around as we grow older.
I too have chosen to look at various expenditures as coming from choice and not lack; investment vs. being a victim.
Love this post for so many reasons. Like many professionals that help people break through the bigger stuff (rather than the quick-fix, sexy stuff)… I’ve heard this many times as well. That’s why I made this tongue in cheek video about how to find that “extra” money.
Perhaps you can relate?
Glad to be of help, Theresa! Good job of keeping the focus on choice instead of lack.
And I loved your video, Paula! You made a good point that “extra” money isn’t just lying around.