Flip through this summary of current job openings at the “25 Best Companies to Work For” and read what lead recruiters are looking for in candidates. As you might expect, many recruiters emphasize the importance of demonstrating your knowledge of the company and your fit with company culture and values, as well as being curious and able to think beyond today. Here are a few of our favorite tips which echo the Now What?© mantra of connecting who you are with what you do:
“We know that candidates are good at many things, but we’re most interested in what exactly makes them each a rock star. What do they do so well that no one else can compete with them in this area.” —Jeff Vijungco, Adobe Systems
“Don’t be afraid to demonstrate your passions and your personal brand.” —Holly Paul, PricewaterhouseCoopers
“Don’t feel limited by your past… Consider how your skills translate to the role you’re seeking and help us make that connection when we interview you.” —Oriana Vogel, American Express
“What impresses a recruiter is a well-prepared candidate with clear accomplishments, tremendous passion, and the ability to connect his or her experience and skills directly to the job he or she is going after.” —Pam Anderson, Intel
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