With a strong vision, relentless determination, and the right support behind you, anything is possible. What’s your dream, who’s supporting you, and what are you waiting for? “This 20-Year-Old From Brooklyn Is So Successful, He Owns His Own Chinese Factory.”
Inspiration to Follow Your Blueprint
Why Wait?
When she couldn’t find styles that suited her, 13 year-old Isabella Rose Taylor plugged into her creativity and artistic tendencies and began designing a line of clothing for tweens. Encouraged and unafraid to follow her dreams, this young woman is an inspiration to those who struggle to take that leap of faith. “This 13-Year-Old Entrepreneur…
It’s Not too Late!
If Liam Neeson can shift from serious drama to heart-thumping action in his 60’s in the midst of deep grief, what could you do? “How Liam Neeson Became An Accidental Action Star At 61.”
Ever Want to Drive a Tank… Just for Fun??
This successful entrepreneur brings childhood fantasy to reality on a gigantic playground for adults. It takes imagination, vision, and a dream to believe that something like this could take off. “This Company Makes Money by Letting Civilians Drive Military Vehicles.”
Imitation is the Highest Form of Flattery
Tweak a popular product just a little, keep supply low, and you have new creations that are both intriguing and in high demand. What might you create with just a slight twist?? “If You Fry It, They Will Come. Cronuts and the Business Case for Imitation.”
Life Lessons from the Yoga Studio
Often times, our side passions help to motivate and move us in all areas of our life, including our business. This woman’s passion for yoga helped her to stretch as an entrepreneur and leadership coach. Yoga helped her to be more bold and more present in her work. What hobby or passion might also impact…