by Now What?® Coaching Founder, Laura Berman Fortgang
It’s that time of year, resolutions and new goals being set to make a leap into a new annum. A time of reflection and renewed hope. Nothing new to the person in career transition . Renewing hope is a daily, if not weekly occurrence in that case.
As Rudy Giuliani, the former mayor of New York City, once said, “Change is not a destination, just as hope is not a strategy”. That statement encapsulates why most people give up on their resolutions and why career transitions can grow hopeless and come to a standstill. Hoping is not enough. Hope and faith are important elements but they have to be backed up with action. A LOT of action!
This economic climate can make you want to give up but that does not serve anyone. In fact, now is the time to get outrageous and become so intense in your desire for what you want to achieve that you are willing to do whatever it takes. Calling people you don’t know. Sending out more resumes than you thought possible. Putting yourself in opportunity’s way by creating your own way of doing things. Trying something entirely new because you can and because it just may work out better than more traditional venues for success. These times are calling for a big stretch.
Here comes the other potential pitfall. Earlier it was not taking enough action, and now as your willingness to do so is hopefully growing, you have to watch for the deflating possibility of not seeing results. At least not right away. If something is not moving in your world despite all your efforts, you need to understand that there is much you cannot see or fathom. How many drops of water does it take to turn a dry riverbed back into a rushing force of liquid and momentum? How much digging does it take before you hit gold? You may quit too early and never know if you stop believing.
It’s appropriate to take a break and see what the wind whispers as a new strategy. It’s OK to change direction or to let your dream change form, but . Stretching to reach your dreams means taking the bigger action and continuing to take them battling any notion that nothing is happening even if the evidence is not immediate.
Energy moves and so keep moving your world by taking smart action. You are sending a ripple out and you will cause change. Think of where you’d like to be in December of 2011. Work your way backward to today envision each milestone you had to hit to be where you want to be at this time next year. NOW, plan your first step of 2011. It will be bigger than you’d logically would have come up with.
Be renewed, be refreshed and keep on reaching for your career dreams.
Based on Chapter 12 of “Now What? 90 Days to a New Life Direction”, “Following Your Life Blueprint®”.
Great post, Laura. Hoping is not enough. I once saw a tee-shirt at Niketown that said, “hoping is the opposite of training”. Training is taking action and hope most definitely needs to be backed up with a lot of action.
Thanks. Make it a great day…
Thanks, Steve. NIce to hear from you.
Leave it to Nike. The best motivational quote ever: “Just do it.”
Hi Laura,
I am a long time fan of yours and met you a few times @ WFF Conferences. I had saved your last 2 issues to read over the Holiday’s. Timing is everything and I am finally getting to catch up on all those “saved emails” cause I have some unexpected time on my hands.
Well, since life hands us unexpected moments, I found out on 12/21 that my position was being “eliminated”. That word is starting to sound too familiar. Anyway, after the initial shock, I have moved on to “let’s get going phase”….and see what is waiting in the wings.
On that note….I am looking forward to reading your new book on Prosperity….you always leave me full of ideas and inspiration.
Laura, Thanks for being there for so many of us whose lives you touch in many wonderful ways. You are truly inspirational!
Thanks for touching base.
I hope things are moving along and your new horizons
are becoming clear.