There is so much darkness in our world right now: repeated loss of life to the ravages of terrorists or racial tensions, and the polarity of approaches to the political climate in the United States. It’s not unusual for the events of the world to shuffle the balance of darkness and light within us.
Big disruptions cause big questions to arise.
Are you finding yourself questioning your own life as you move through the effects of consuming the news and social media? Is the time focused on the mishaps, tragedies and angering differences ripping away at your sense of safety and order? I would expect that to be the case.
Times of uncertainty and chaos force us to get a grip on ourselves to stay sane. We need to get more specific about what works for us or not. The negative is trying to find a release. And clearly, there is a lot of negative that’s been bottled up for a long time. It’s now making itself known, and the call is for us to counter it with all the goodness we can muster.
If your questioning is about your work and where you could find a better fit, take note of what it is, specifically, you can no longer contend with. You’ve probably known for a while, but the darkness will find a crack to leak out of and then color everything you do. Allow the dark to push you into the light. Let it force you to wrestle with what you would rather not contend with because it will get you to the other side (light).
It’s like hitting turbulence in a plane. It’ll rattle and bounce you around, but the pilot will find equilibrium and keep you going.
You’re the pilot, so be patient with yourself, moving away from what (or who) no longer serves you and pointing your face to any bit of positive news and hope you can find.
As humans, we need hope, and it has to start with each of us doing our part to emanate good stuff.
Does it stop the atrocities in the world? Does it fix any problem we face individually or collectively? Not immediately, but it puts us in a better state to make decisions and to brainstorm action.
If you are questioning your life or having a time where things are not as clear or easy as you would like, balance the darkness. Don’t let it eat you up. Focus on what DOES work and create circumstances that allow them to multiply. Make bold, new steps from a balanced place.
Let the darkness give way to the light . . .
Great message Laura ! We needed that inspiration.
Thanks, Val, for saying so. It’s a tough time.