At Now What?® we know that it’s not what you do, but who you get to be that matters. When it becomes clear that who you want to be is not what you’ve always done, it’s time to listen to your gut, find your passion, and take a chance. See how the author of today’s post discovered that…
Today’s Quote: Jump the Fence
“But” is a fence over which few leap.” German proverb
What’s Your Hobby?
Here at Now What?® we’ve seen that immersing yourself in a hobby is a great thing to do when feeling stumped about your next move. It can help get the creativity flowing again. The author of today’s post has some additional observations about hobbies and careers. “How Your Hobby Can Influence Your Career.”
Today’s Quote: Playing it Safe
“To play it safe is not to play.” Robert Altman
Online Career Research
Check out this list compiled by Forbes of the 100 best websites for your career. While we agree with the author’s caveat that the most important part of your job search is meeting people face to face, these online resources can certainly be helpful and may serve to spark an idea or two. “The Top 100 Websites…
Today’s Quote: Let Your Heart Sing
“What you’re really supposed to be doing is whatever makes your heart sing.” Barbara Sher