“Be absolutely determined to enjoy what you do.” Gerry Sikorski
Today’s Quote: Achieve Greatly
“Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly.” Robert F. Kennedy
Light Bulb Moments
Cinnamon Bowser’s light bulb moment in 2003 resulted in the creation of Nail Taxi, a mobile manicure/pedicure business. Though the idea came to her in a flash, prior to launching her business and while still working full time in public relations, Cinnamon took two years to learn as much as she could about the nail industry…
Today’s Quote: Leave Your Comfort Zone
“Everything you want in life is right outside your comfort zone.” Robert Allen
Female Entrepreneurs On the Rise
Did you know that the number of women-owned businesses in the US —now 29% of all businesses — is increasing faster than the national average for businesses overall? Check out this report which lists the regions where this growth is occurring the most. If you’re a woman about to start a new business, take strength…