No one likes to be unemployed. Anxiety is high as uncertainty becomes your daily bread. Doing the hard work of securing a job is enough to make you want to take very long naps even on the sunniest of temperate days. You put on your “big boy/big girl undies” and get to the biz of…
Today’s Quote: Become What We Think
“We become what we think about most of the time, and that’s the strangest secret.” Earl Nightingale
Today’s Quote: Be Impatient
“If you genuinely want something, don’t wait for it–teach yourself to be impatient.” Gurbaksh Chahal
Treasure Hunting Anyone?
This “Chief Treasure Hunter” woke up on 9/11 as so many people did – she realized that life is not to be wasted and she ventured out on a quest. Uncovering an ancient secret has led to success, and in addressing her own problems, a product line that meets the needs of others has emerged.…
Today’s Quote: Accept All Challenges
“To be successful you must accept all challenges that come your way. You can’t just accept the ones you like.” Mike Gafka
You Say it Won’t Work? Just Watch Me!
Entrepreneurs often have a bevy of naysayers discouraging their every move. Likely they will also have their own moments of doubt and face the temptation to walk away. From very challenging beginnings, through determination, perseverance, and vision, these four rose to leave their mark in the world. What inspiration can you take from these stories…