Today’s question is one that is often asked by our readers and is answered by Ginny Kravitz, Deputy Editor.
How do I know if this is the right time for me to start the Now What?® program?
Here are some examples of other people who considered the same question of when to start. Perhaps you can relate to them:
Norah, a Benefits Manager in Seattle Washington, was eager to look at her career options and had given herself a deadline for deciding whether to stay on the same path or try something new. She was happy to find the Now What?® program but wondered about being able to devote the time and energy it would require as she was also working on other goals: delegating more at work, organizing her home and office, and reducing what she called a “state of clutter”. Norah’s instinct told her that her hesitation had more to do with her habit of procrastinating as well as some jitters about anticipated changes that might result from this work. She decided to go ahead and begin the program with my reassurance that she could give herself permission to adjust the pace if needed. Norah was pleased to discover that the first trio of chapters in Now What?® are about moving through “blocks to clarity” and this supported her goal to reduce clutter. Reaching the midpoint of the program, Norah had made significant discoveries about what makes her unique and what brings purpose and meaning to her work. She is now looking forward to researching potential fields of interest however has decided to take a break before completing the second half of the program, so that she can focus exclusively on specific health issues that need to be addressed. For Norah, this is the right decision at this time.
Mark, a software analyst, tells me that he’s had the Now What?® book for a few years and while he’s made some discoveries on his own, he is ready to go deeper by working with a coach. Mark thinks he’s allowed the status quo for too long and now feels a sense of urgency to first identify and then make the changes that will bring him greater fulfillment in his career and allow him to spend more time with his family.
When Anita, an IT professional, first began the Now What?® program two years ago she had a dual strategy of: 1) finding a new job as soon as possible so that she could leave a stress-filled work environment and 2) doing the creative soul searching about where she might ultimately want to take her career. Anita has since changed jobs and is working in a much better environment. She is also pursuing a variety of interests outside work that are bringing her much enjoyment. Anita comments that she only wishes she had started the Now What?® program sooner and advises others not to wait.
Only you can say when it’s the right time to invest your energy in making a change. While it’s important to check your commitment level and be willing to make some time for the work, it is not necessary (or possible) to wait for all the ducks to be in a row. The bottom line is that if you are drawn to this work, then pay attention to that inkling and take a step to find out more. Pick up the book, take the quiz, talk to one of our coaches, or sign up for the The Now What?® Newsletter and come to the next community call hosted by Laura. What is telling you that it’s the right time to move forward?
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