“The only way of finding the limits of the possible is by going beyond them into the impossible.” Arthur C. Clarke
Video Viernes-Changing Your Vocation After 50
We’ll round out the week with two more examples of women over 50 who are going for it! MORE editor-in-chief Lesley Jane Seymour discusses changing careers at 50 on the Today Show.
You Never Know What Door Will Open
After being laid off from a company where she worked for 22 years, Gloria Schaffer is trying something new. She says, “The result of being laid off turned into a brand new life. You just never know what door will open. Don’t be afraid to walk through it.” “My Accidental New Career.”
Moving Toward Work That Combines Your Passions
This week we bring you two examples from More Magazine of people over age 50 who are making career changes. In the case of architect, Calli Spheeris, the impetus for change was the economy. The outcome was an unexpected pairing of her passions and a greater understanding of what had been missing from her work. …
Today’s Quote: What Helps Luck
“What helps luck is a habit of watching for opportunities, of having a patient, but restless mind, of sacrificing one’s ease or vanity, of uniting a love of detail to foresight, and of passing through hard times bravely and cheerfully.” Charles Victor Cherbuliez
by Now What?® Coaching Founder, Laura Berman Fortgang Four years ago, at a bookstore event, a woman asked a question about a career strategy she was hatching. Her goal was to become a global director for the multinational company she worked for. Her question was about her next move to attain an interim position that…