“The minute you begin to do what you really want to do, it’s really a different kind of life.” Buckminster Fuller
Video Viernes: Robert’s Job Interview
This is guaranteed to give you a giggle. Everyone Loves Raymond: Lucky Suit [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0cThuaPUD_Q]
Trading In Her Stilettos for Work Boots
Each person’s process to carving out a new path is unique. For some it happens incrementally and for others it’s more of a leap. That was the case for Kristin Kimball, the person profiled in today’s story, who describes the change she made from city person to farmer as “abrupt and unforeseen”. For Kristin, change…
Today’s Quote-Talent
“All you need is passion. If you have a passion for something, you’ll create the talent.” Yanni
Continuing Education More Important Than Ever
Some interesting thoughts here on what “continuing education” means today. Included are real life examples and a discussion of the various reasons for pursuing additional education such as: to upgrade skills, maintain competitiveness in the market, improve candidacy for advanced positions, or as a conduit to a new career. Networking opportunities with professors and fellow…
Now What? Q &A: Back to School?
Today’s question is one we are often asked and is answered by Ginny Kravitz, Deputy Editor. Question: I will need additional training for the field I’m interested in but when I think of going back to school, it feels like it will take forever. How do I decide whether to start a training program? Answer:…