Take a look at today’s article for some thoughts on the art of creating and recognizing opportunity. As Thomas Jefferson noted, there is a correlation between luck and hard work. What’s one way that you will put yourself out there this year to make it easier for opportunity to find you? “Career advice to realize…
Today’s Quote: Smallest Decisions
“Sometimes it’s the smallest decisions that can change your life forever.” Kerri Russell
by Now What?® Coaching Founder, Laura Berman Fortgang We are clearly in the Age of Reinvention. So many industries are doing complete makeovers of themselves and some are even disappearing. The result: Those wanting to stay or become employed have to reinvent right alongside this trend or be closed out or left behind. Publishing, automotive,…
Today’s Quote:Trust Yourself
“Trust yourself. You know more than you think you do.” Benjamin Spock
Models of Reinvention
These five reinvention stories are definitely inspiring. Take a look and see what you think. Is 2011 the year for your reinvention? “Reinvention is the Best Revenge.”
Today’s Quote: Fiction
“Fiction reveals truths that reality obscures.”Jessamyn West