Interesting perspective here from “Dirty Jobs” host Mike Rowe, who suggests we rethink the definition of a good job. Perhaps opportunity is in the eye of the beholder. “Job hunt 2012: It’s time to get dirty.”
Inspiration to Follow Your Blueprint
Use What You Have
After losing her job and facing divorce, the person in today’s story decided to change the scenery and travel for a bit. The new surroundings helped her think creatively about what she could do to make money. How might the skills and talents that you already possess be put to use in new ways? How could taking…
It’s Never too Late
In case you need a little ammunition for taking action, read about those that didn’t bloom to their greatest successes until later in life. It’s never too late! Use their stories to inspire YOU to beat the odds. “10 People Who Have Switched Careers.”
Jumping into a Dream
We’ve helped many people make the transition to their own businesses at Now What?® Coaching and it is an exciting and scary proposition for them. Here is one gritty story of the truth behind jumping into a dream, finding it was a nightmare and coming out great on the other side. We never said it would…
Filling a Need
Sometimes our losses and disappointments become a matter of perspective. Read how one person overcame their bad luck by stepping in to address a need in their community. You can also follow suit filling a need in the marketplace or your corporate culture. “How I Made Over My Life’s Mission.”
Think Outside of the Box
To beat the odds in this job market, it takes thinking outside of the box, innovating past conventional job search methods and being open to every lead and inkling. Read this Twitter story for some ideas that you may not have thought of implementing to your career transition. (job or own business alike) “How to…