Today’s question comes from one of our readers and is answered by Ginny Kravitz, Deputy Editor Question: When thinking about new career directions, how do I know if I’ll make the right decision? Answer: This is certainly a natural question to ask and yet it’s one that can also keep you in place. Since there are…
Now What? Facilitator Grads
What’s Bugging You?
by Ginny Kravitz, Deputy Editor It’s In Your Face In coach lingo, they’re called tolerations, drains, or what you’re putting up with. In plain language, they’re the things that bug you. Though counting your blessings is a wonderful practice, it’s also helpful to periodically inventory the stuff that bugs you. Why on earth would you want to…
A Perfect Partner, A Perfect Career – How lessons in love help our search for meaning
By Jill Berquist, Now What? A-Team Recently Ginny Kravitz joined me on a community call to discuss tips for the pursuit of meaning and happiness in work, life and love. We came up with some interesting ideas about the quest for meaning in relationships and in work. And for our purposes, this quest need not only be in…
Go, Go, Go!
by Ginny Kravitz, Deputy Editor Everybody Needs It It was a few days before my birthday in early December 2009, and a card from my parents had just arrived in the mail. Mom’s Alzheimer’s symptoms were still subtle at that time. Previously she would have written “Dear Ginny” and “Love Mom and Dad.” In this card, however, there…
Miracles, Mortals, and Mosquitoes
by Ginny Kravitz, Deputy Editor I felt inspired after seeing Daniel Day-Lewis’ intimate portrayal of Lincoln. The central message I took away was also in another movie directed by Steven Spielberg, Schindler’s List. Both of these illustrate the difference one person can make. Each man answered life’s call in the affirmative, and when he did, the results were nothing…
Take Courage!
by Ginny Kravitz, Deputy Editor Fear is a Given “It’s not my first rodeo,” remarked Jeanie, a client who is preparing to move cross country and pursue a new career path. She is familiar with the voices of fear from the peanut gallery. Some are from friends who ask, “Are you sure about this?” while other doubtful…