Today’s question comes from Seattle, Washington and is answered by Cassi Christiansen, Now What?® A-Team Leader. Question: I wonder about folks who have transitioned and followed their passion out of a ‘safe’ position into something others may deem risky. How did they go about this? How much preparation can one do? How do they manage…
Seeds & Whims
“The seed was planted a long time ago.” That’s what Daniell Hepting now realizes as she recalls being impressed by dolphins as a child. But at that time she didn’t connect dolphins with a “real job” and after studying psychology and earning her master’s degree, Daniell began a career as an adolescent psychiatric social worker. …
Today’s Quote: Growing Slowly
“Be not afraid of growing slowly; be afraid only of standing still.” Chinese Proverb
Entrepreneur Moms
Scroll through these inspiring examples of mothers who became entrepreneurs. In a few cases the desire to start a business had always been there yet more typically, the entrepreneurial path emerged for each woman with the idea that sharing something from her own experience would meet a need for others. The next time you find…
Today’s Quote: Life, Goals and Drives
“Life can be pulled by goals just as surely as it can be pushed by drives.” Viktor Frankl
Listen to Your Instincts
Lisa Arie’s Now What Moment occurred while walking down a street in New York and coming face to face with an emptiness she felt despite having a successful career. “This can’t be it,” she said to herself. Following an inexplicable pull toward horses, Lisa decided to take a riding lesson right there in Manhattan. As…