Eighteen years—-gone in a flash. On August 28th, my first child will turn eighteen and on August 29th, he’ll be dropped off at college. That’s it. He belongs to the world more than ever. He’ll no longer belong to me. Some of you may be going through the same thing with your kin or maybe…
Now What? Newsletter Articles
What Are My Next Steps?
“What are my next steps?” Coming from a client’s mouth, these words, although heard often, give me pause. Truly, any question aimed at me rife with expectation that I hold the answer to a riddle that is not mine, gives me pause. I usually respond with a question back. “What ARE the next steps?” “What…
What’s Rumbling Within You?
I’ve been struggling with what to write for a newsletter during the last couple of weeks. I’ve been so completely immersed in living Now What? for many months as I wrote and prepared for the new book to come out in March that I’ve felt drained. I took care of myself by taking a much…
When Your Career Becomes A Job
What’s a job? A means to make money performing tasks that you are capable of but may not necessarily fulfill you. What’s a career? A series of jobs that reflect growth, mastery and contribution to one or many fields. Those are my definitions for the sake of creating context. Is it okay when your career…
Do You Believe? [Video]
I promised you the third installment and here it is: Video THREE is about the third block to clarity: BELIEFS “But I can’t make a change right now.” We’ve heard it all. You can’t make a change because of the money, the mortgage, the college, the debt, the _______________. We don’t doubt there’s truth to…
The “I Don’t Know Syndrome” [Video]
Are you craving a radical change?…… When you feel lost and unsure about everything except your own anxiety, it is hard to articulate anything positive or hopeful for your future. It’s at that point that people tell me: I don’t know what I want! I empathize with that feeling and the resonance of truth it…