“Change starts when someone sees the next step.” William Drayton
Video Viernes-Committed to Paying Attention
Today we bring you an interview by Jane Pauley who is now hosting Your Life Calling, a new series produced by AARP. Here she interviews, Richard Rittmaster, a former Lutheran minister now chaplain in the U.S. Army National Guard. Rittmaster shares several rich insights including how he listened to his burn-out and depression rather than fighting it. “I…
Thank YOU
Thanks to our Deputy Editor, Virginia Kravitz and our Editorial Assistant, Joanna Frabrizio, I have not been on the blog as often as I should. I recently discovered that so many of you have written and commented. We learn from every comment and will pay more attention to what you want to hear more…
by Now What?® Coaching Founder, Laura Berman Fortgang THERE COMES A TIME, in almost every career transition, when clarity comes and a sense of determination kicks in despite every logical reason for it not to. There comes a suspended reality where you almost can’t believe you are moving forward in this new chosen direction yet there…
Today’s Quote: Be and Do To Have
“You’ve got to be before you can do, and do before you can have.” Zig Ziglar
When “Success” is Not Enough
by Kirsten Meneghello, Now What® Facilitator Laurie is a “successful” attorney according to most people. She has earned an advanced degree, prestige as a lawyer, a good salary and is recognized as an expert in her field. Her co-workers and colleagues look up to her as a respected leader. But Laurie doesn’t feel that way…