Let me catch you before you head in the wrong direction.
This is not a post lecturing you on honesty and character in the workplace.
Not at all.
The direction I want to point you in is understanding integrity in the context of wholeness.
If a structure had no foundational integrity, it would fail. If your life has no foundational integrity, it will be very, very messy, and likely, dramatic. If your work has no integrity, it’s not aligned with who you are.
The past year of Pandemic Living has revealed many fissures in the infrastructure our lives and shined a spotlight on work/careers whether you got to keep your job or not. It either gave you time to think or time to be in very close quarters with issues you were either ignoring or didn’t know were there.
If you are sitting with a set of discoveries, none too comforting, then you may feel out of sorts.
How do you get back into integrity?
Getting to wholeness requires telling the truth. It’s not easy to take a good, hard look at yourself and what has brought you to this point, but there is no escaping it. The truth will be your ticket to the other side whatever challenge you are facing now.
The steps are simple but require inner work to battle back the logic that tells you it’s not possible to make a change:
- Face the truth of what’s keeping you from integrity
- Name what’s missing
- Keep experimenting with what you have (resume/background), and want like playing with a Rubik’s Cube (OK maybe something not that difficult) so that
- you hit that moment when it clicks, the colors line up and the cube (and you) are WHOLE and in full INTEGRITY.
Three recent clients in my private practice have brought this integrity dilemma to our work as we contracted for me to help them gain clarity on their next career iteration. All three in hefty careers, all three knowing their industries no longer fit them. Who they are (what they want, value, need) was no longer aligned with what their industries contributed to the world, and they didn’t know what else they could do or be successfully employed at.
From the polluting side of energy to the sustainability side, from legal doldrums to an exciting and creative use of that skill set in the arts world and the seemingly happy kids’ clothes world to something (yet named, new client) that does not create as much waste and horrible working conditions for factory workers.
These are the kind of journeys back to integrity and wholeness I and the facilitators at Now What? Coaching takes people on from all walks of life.
Wonderful perspective and Now What brings this clarity….