An interesting article about Craig Newmark, the founder of, and the values that motivate him. Working 4 hours per day on customer service and 4-6 hours per day on his volunteer or public service work, Craig says of founding the company that it “eroded my cynicism. I see that people are overwhelmingly good. Our…
Now What? Q &A: Crazy for wanting more?
Today’s question comes from a Marketing Director in Atlanta, Georgia and is answered by: Ginny Kravitz, Deputy Editor. Question: Am I crazy for wanting more? Shouldn’t I just be grateful for having a job? Answer: No, you’re not crazy. Sometimes no sooner do you follow that inner prodding to dream than you are affronted with…
Today’s Quote-Happiness
“Happiness is the state of consciousness which proceeds from the achievement of one’s values.”Ayn Rand
Craving a Creative Outlet
“This wasn’t a well-thought out plan… I was just pursuing a dream.” That’s how Priscilla Lopez describes her transition from IT consultant to tennis wear designer. While essentially a summary of her story, this article does include some interesting points, including how she got her start by wearing one of her own creations at her…
Now What? Q &A: From research mode to decision made
Today we’re introducing a new category to the blog: Now What? Q &A, where we’ll answer questions we are often asked by our clients and readers. We’d love to hear from you so please do send us your questions. Chances are if you have the question, then so do a whole lot of other people. …
Today’s Quote: Self-trust
“Self-trust is the first secret of success.” Ralph Waldo Emerson