Is it realistic to believe you can love what you do? I know that it is. There’s work destined for each of us the way people say there is a mate for everyone. We just have to find it. On the other hand, everything we love eventually gets tested and we must decide whether to…
Now What? Newsletter Articles
New Year’s Done a New Way
What if this year, we don’t start another 365-day cycle by pushing the marker of success further out? What if this year, we start the year looking at how far we’ve come instead of how far we have to go? What would that do to your results? I just finished work with a Now What?®…
H-O-L-I-D-A-Y 2014
Another end to another year. I thank you all for you readership and patronage in 2014 and look forward to what we might create together next year. WISHING YOU A WONDERFUL HOLIDAY SEASON! LBF and the Now What?® Authorized Facilitators H-Holiness O-Opulence L–Light I-Integrity D-Disappointments A-Attention Y- Year-end Crunch H is for…
Parents and College: How One Coach/Mom is Riding the BIG Decision
by Now What?® Coaching Founder, Laura Berman Fortgang The time has come. My oldest child is applying to colleges. Ever since I was that age, I thought it terribly unfair that seventeen year olds feel forced to decide what they’ll be doing the rest of their lives . As adults, we know they aren’t really…
Are We There Yet?!: The Enemy of Positive Change
by Now What?® Coaching Founder, Laura Berman Fortgang Surrendering to a process is hard for a lot of people. “What’s the outcome? What can I count on? Am I going to get what I want?” These are the worries that derail process. They disrupt the flow and bring things to an abrupt stop like hitting…
Is It Flying Or Is It Just Me?
The last few years have felt like they’ve been speeding by and this one is on steroids compared to them. I feel catapulted into outer space by the speed at which time flies. Oddly, the feeling bookends the individual days that seem to have plenty of time in them. The push and pull, pulse-racing and…