In Now What?® we know that “discomfort = growth.” We also know that discomfort by definition is not easy or comfortable, nor is transition or change. So how can we help ourselves through times when our world feels turned upside down? Gratitude is one small and powerful practice that may help – check out these…
life coach
Is Fear of Criticism Keeping You Stuck?
How often do you let what other people think (or what you think they think) stop you from being your most creative, innovative, and authentic YOU? It happens too often for far too many people. Only when we break beyond that concern can we bring the finest expression of ourselves into the world. Let’s face…
Living Our Dreams vs. Living Our Fears
Inspirational Quotes: Opening Your Mind to New Experiences
Quotes to Live By: Appreciation of the Real Value of You
“Schooled” – How A Recovering Perfectionist Found That Discomfort Really Does Equal Growth
There is so much I often write about ‘back to school’ season, but this year, I have a new take on it. Over the last few weeks, I was ‘schooled.’ For only the second time in two decades, I went out for a local theatre opportunity to play a dream role. This past Sunday I…