As a coach, I want you to know that you can start over at any time, on any day. You always have the power to press reset and begin again.
But we humans are social creatures, so we tend to get our cues from what’s going on around us. The buzz right now is about the New Year ahead of us, filled with fresh possibilities and revitalized energy to go after what we want.
We’re all looking at a collective clean slate, determined to make our mark.
The thing is, if you’re anything like most people I talk to these days, you’re not convinced that this “New Year/New You” stuff will come to pass. You’ve been here before, and doubt is already starting to creep in.
Here’s the reality: 23% of people already gave up their New Year’s resolution last week, and more than half will give up by the end of the month. That’s just the way it goes.
I suggest you look at this new year in a new way, through a different frame.
Instead of focusing on a particular change you want to make or a specific goal — lose 20 pounds, run a marathon, save 20% of your take-home pay, wake up an hour earlier —
Ask yourself this question instead:
What’s the impact I want to make?
100 lives touched.
50 food-insecure children who have plenty to eat because of your charitable donations.
20 co-workers who love their jobs because of your efforts to recognize and value their work.
30 community members who are less lonely because you showed up to volunteer.
This is a way to do goals that are BIGGER than you. It takes your mind off of the smaller, self-centering, anxiety-inducing goals.
When a goal is bigger than you, it’s more compelling, motivating, and drives you forward with a sense of purpose.
Make it a game. Give it a number. Have FUN going for it!
You’ll look back at this time next year and thank yourself. I’m not saying your business, career, money, and health goals don’t matter. But I am saying if you place your focus elsewhere and take the pressure off, you might be surprised by what else falls into place.
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