Let me catch you before you head in the wrong direction. This is not a post lecturing you on honesty and character in the workplace. No. Not at all. The direction I want to point you in is understanding integrity in the context of wholeness. If a structure had no foundational integrity, it would fail.…
When Mom Comes Out of Quarantine
Oh My God! COVID-19 is no joke, folks. COVID-19 moved through four of my five family members, including me, in the last month at a rapid pace. From my oldest son, to my husband, to my youngest son and then to me after I played short order cook and butler to my crew of three…
How Do You KNOW You’re Making the Right Choice?
When you’ve been in job search and finally have an offer, or you’re faced with deciding to spend money on a training that could help you in your business, or you’re at a crossroads and aren’t sure which way to go . . . these are just some of the scenarios my clients face when…
The Helplessness of Career Transition
Day in and day out I talk to people who are on a quest to make a change in their work and, therefore, their lives. With that daily privilege comes a front row seat to all the ways that people get in their own way. I’m a witness to helplessness in career transition and as…
A Horribly Good Year
2020. The world was knocked off its axis. Humans, once again, had to be reminded that they are not in charge. Mother Nature nearly stopped the whole globe with a virus. The pollution over India, China, and the West Coast of the U.S. was almost non-existent as we learned that we actually do know how…
When Someone Else Gets What You Want
It was my first summer stock season after graduating college, and I had been cast in a five-show season where I would not get to perform the leading role I was chosen for until the fifth and final show. It was a dream role (the Priscilla Lopez role in A Day in Hollywood, A Night in…