How often do you let what other people think (or what you think they think) stop you from being your most creative, innovative, and authentic YOU? It happens too often for far too many people. Only when we break beyond that concern can we bring the finest expression of ourselves into the world. Let’s face…
Inspirational Quotes: The Unknown Can Be Your Greatest Strength
Is FEAR on YOUR Menu?
Big career changes are traditionally served with a side of FEAR. A big, whopping, overflowing dish of terror might be accurate too. Can you do your best thinking and make clear choices while feasting on fear? NO! In a flight or fight state, pumped up on adrenaline, our actions can be super powered in bursts,…
Living Our Dreams vs. Living Our Fears
Feeling Stuck? Maybe it’s Time to Move On
Notice things are feeling a little stale at work? Not really ready to leap? Here are some signs it might be time to start thinking about what’s next and some steps you can take starting now. 4 Signs Your Career’s Totally Stalled (and It’s Time to Move On)