We save the “best for last.” We “treat” ourselves with the satisfying pleasure of tantalizing sweets at the end of the meal. That finishing touch. How does our propensity for dessert relate to knowing what’s right for our lives or career? Dessert just feels so good as a taste sensation. Career and life satisfaction feels…
Now What? Newsletter Articles
Are You Sorry? Really?
Here’s a question for you: How many times a day do you find yourself saying, “I’m sorry.” If you took the time to count, I’d wager that many of you are saying those two words more often than you think. Here’s my take on this – STOP IT! I’m not saying you should abdicate responsibility…
WAKE UP! Feel Your Way to A New Career
Stop thinking! Rationalizing, logically ruminating, and plotting are not the most successful ways to figure out what’s next for you in your career and work life. They are good skills and have worked before. However, once you’ve landed on my site or email list, you’re frustrated and looking for new answers. I’ve got them. Wake…
Is Normal What You Really Want?
In New Jersey, COVID restrictions are being lifted and a quick return to ‘normal’ is unfolding. I spent every day of the Memorial Day weekend meeting with different friends and family we haven’t been able to see in over a year. It was fantastic to be with people and enjoy their company and catch up. …
INTEGRITY – Does Your Work Have It?
Let me catch you before you head in the wrong direction. This is not a post lecturing you on honesty and character in the workplace. No. Not at all. The direction I want to point you in is understanding integrity in the context of wholeness. If a structure had no foundational integrity, it would fail.…
When Mom Comes Out of Quarantine
Oh My God! COVID-19 is no joke, folks. COVID-19 moved through four of my five family members, including me, in the last month at a rapid pace. From my oldest son, to my husband, to my youngest son and then to me after I played short order cook and butler to my crew of three…