COVID holidays: Happy or sad? Better or worse? Do it up or don’t bother? Whatever you choose, I wish you some peace this holiday season, and I thank you profusely for being a reader of this publication. From the one page newsletter I printed and mailed by hand every month to the digital age of calling this…
When Someone Else Gets What You Want
It was my first summer stock season after graduating college, and I had been cast in a five-show season where I would not get to perform the leading role I was chosen for until the fifth and final show. It was a dream role (the Priscilla Lopez role in A Day in Hollywood, A Night in…
The Twilight Zone: The Worst of Times Can Be the Best of Times
Twilight by definition is the sunlight scattering above and below the atmosphere so that Earth’s surface is neither completely lit nor completely dark. It’s the “in-between.” The time where it can go either way, light or dark, depending on your position on the earth’s surface. In a time in our history where nature is…
Trust Your Gut!
When making key decisions (like what job is the “right” one for you), it’s great to know that one of our strongest guides lives within us – our intuition. Rather than taking a bunch of assessments or seeking outside counsel, when we learn to tune in and trust the guidance that comes from our gut…
#QuotestoLiveBy: Action to Take to Gain Something You’ve Never Had
“Schooled” – How A Recovering Perfectionist Found That Discomfort Really Does Equal Growth
There is so much I often write about ‘back to school’ season, but this year, I have a new take on it. Over the last few weeks, I was ‘schooled.’ For only the second time in two decades, I went out for a local theatre opportunity to play a dream role. This past Sunday I…