When people come to me because they want to make a change in their career or business, among their top stumbling blocks in their path is indecision. They know they want to do something different, but they can’t seem to decide what that different thing will be. Here’s how this goes (maybe you can relate)…
How to Accelerate Your Results and Skip “Paying Your Dues”
I don’t know about you, but I grew up being taught that if you want to get anywhere in life, you’ve got to pay your dues until you’re due your pay. I’d like nothing more than to be a master manifester and skip some of those steps. I’m fascinated by the idea of manifesting. I…
Why did I get “L❤️VE” tattooed on my arm?
If you missed last week’s note, I talked about the lessons I learned hanging out in a tattoo parlor over the holidays, and it sparked some curiosity — • Why a tattoo?, and L❤️VE? I touched on it briefly, but it probably deserves further explanation. What makes a woman approaching a certain milestone birthday suddenly get…
Lessons From The Tattoo Parlor
I hope you had a wonderful holiday season and your year is off to a fantastic start! We have some exciting announcements coming up, but first I want to share some wisdom I picked up over the break while hanging out at my local tattoo parlor… As you may have noticed, I have a nose…
Holy Wow. Another Year. Can This One Really Be Different?
What am I going to say? Of course, I’m going to say YES. Yes, it can. There will always be circumstances beyond our control, and we will simultaneously have free will. Let’s put it to work. I’m sitting down to write this after a local business morning networking group on the very first business day…
The Currency of Kindness
I’ll let you in on something from the get-go here; I am writing this for myself as much as I’m writing this for you. You may still be visiting friends and family for the holiday season and experiencing great acts of kindness, but you also may be biting your tongue very hard this week as…