When I was five years old, my father was offered the opportunity to establish an office for his large American employer in Caracas, Venezuela. (It was a much healthier and wealthier place then that it is now.) I wasn’t privy to how the negotiation with my mother went down, but they decided to take the…
Global Impact
Even Outlandish Dreams do Come True
Sometimes the dream is just to be in the game. And, sometimes the dream requires sacrifices – giving up on other dreams along the way (can you imagine giving up a chance to be in Lion King on Broadway??), taking odd jobs to make this one a reality. For these two, the dream was not…
How Might Gratitude Support You?
By Barb Klein Now What? Facilitator and Deputy Editor Originally published for Inspired Possibility’s blog At this time of year gratitude and thankfulness are everywhere. So I have been reflecting on how gratitude serves us, particularly when times are tough. Gratitude in times of Transition Transition and change, whether they are wanted or not, are…
Texas, Florida, Turmoil and Recovery
It’s been a raucous month in the US. So much for a lazy August enduring the dog days of summer! There is a lot to absorb as we take in images of destruction and violence. The byproduct of tragedy, when we are an observer and not directly in its path, is usually that of introspection.…
Global Impact Comes in Many Forms
Innovation and social impact doesn’t always come in a glamorous package. Jasmine Burton saw a global need that would make the difference in many lives and went after it with gusto, calling her mom to declare: “I know what I am supposed to do. I am supposed to design toilets.” Maybe toilets aren’t your thing,…