Life Lessons
What if Hopscotch Isn’t Just for Kids?
Sometimes hopping from career to career can be wise, fulfilling, and even beneficial, as you carry with you what you’ve gained in experience, knowledge, and contacts from past jobs. Our choices don’t have to be forever. How refreshing! My Career Choice: All of the Above
#MotivationalQuotes: What to Accept and What to Never Lose
#QuotesToLiveBy: The Value of Waiting for the Answer
The Ever-Changing Boundaries of Truth
There are so many colors of truth: White lies, grey areas, lies by omission, exaggerated truth, and complete fabrication. Which kind of liar are you? Who me?? Yes, you! Don’t be so shocked. We all lie. We just get so used to it, that we don’t even consider it lying. Telling your kid their drawing…