Our dreams do not always come in the packages we expect. When obstacles change our course, sometimes simply showing up to be around the passion, doing whatever is needed (even the small and tedious tasks) will reveal new way to be with what you love. She Believed She Could: Abby DePhillips On Finding Your Path
#QuotesToLiveBy: The Value of Waiting for the Answer
The Ever-Changing Boundaries of Truth
There are so many colors of truth: White lies, grey areas, lies by omission, exaggerated truth, and complete fabrication. Which kind of liar are you? Who me?? Yes, you! Don’t be so shocked. We all lie. We just get so used to it, that we don’t even consider it lying. Telling your kid their drawing…
#QuotesToLiveBy: Attitude Determines Your Altitude
Don’t Find Your Passion … Go Out and Develop It!
If you haven’t found your passion yet, don’t despair! Passions aren’t lying in wait for you to uncover them, nor is there just one “true” passion for each of us. Our core interests aren’t whetted to one path or career. Rather, they can be cultivated – growing and developing over time as we explore new…