life coach
Take Control of Your Future
Often it’s when we’re hurting that we feel compelled to make a change, but we sometimes can’t imagine a way out. Rather than letting your pain dictate your next steps or allowing life to happen TO you by chance, you can proactively get involved in charting and following a vision you’d like to create. 5…
Be A Voice for Solutions
PROCRASTINATION – The Killer of a Job Search or Career Exploration
You think that life coaches don’t procrastinate? HA! Since I’ve put off writing this newsletter for three weeks, I figured there was no better topic this month than PRO-CRAS-TI-NA-TION. I am a PRO: A pro-coach and a PRO procrastinator. For some, procrastination is a lifestyle. For others, it messes with their well-being and even screws…