After every holiday gathering, show and fun plan fell apart over the month of December, my family decided to forge ahead with our vacation to Orlando, Florida that we had been looking forward to for months. My young-adult children had their sights set on Disney (15 years after their childhood visit) and we just had…
Now What Coaching
Is It Time for Your Own Business?
According to the Census Bureau, more than 4.4 million new businesses were created in the U.S. during 2020 — the highest total on record. For reference, that’s a 24.3% increase from 2019 and 51.0% higher than the 2010-19 average. Half a million new businesses were started in January 2021, alone.* What does that mean for…
INTEGRITY – Does Your Work Have It?
Let me catch you before you head in the wrong direction. This is not a post lecturing you on honesty and character in the workplace. No. Not at all. The direction I want to point you in is understanding integrity in the context of wholeness. If a structure had no foundational integrity, it would fail.…
You’re Being Let Go! Don’t Panic. Do This Instead.
You’ve been called in to someone’s office and told that you’re being relieved of your post. You are not being walked out the door within the hour, but rather, you have been advised that you are part of upcoming cuts and that you have a couple of weeks before your last day. It stings. It…
Unemployment, Civil Unrest, COVID and What It Has to Do with Your Career
I sincerely hope that you are one of the people who still has a job in the midst of the COVID-19 crisis and the unrest in our country. Whether you do or not, we are going through something epic that the majority of us have no experience with. You’d have to be 100 years old…
The Shifting Landscape
After 9/11, I remember many people feeling that there was no point to their day-to-day activities. Concerns that seemed so crucial a mere week or month before the towers fell now felt meaningless. The loss of lives and the loss of our assumed safety was shattering. Within four days of 9/11, my phone and inbox…