Finding herself (not unexpectedly) laid off, this young woman could have laid down with her tail between her legs, dog tired, and cowered in the corner. Instead, she perked up and realized it for the opportunity it was – a chance to make her part-time venture a full-time career, and one that she loves at…
Inspiration to Follow Your Blueprint
Maybe it’s the heightened anxiety of the times we are living in, but the theme of the last month has been talking clients out of the tree – helping them restore centered calm as they explore next career steps, engage in active job searches, and build their dreams into reality. I am a born worrier.…
When Your “Now What?” is Thrust Upon You …
Layoffs are an all too common reality in our world, so sometimes we are not afforded the time to ponder what might be next before we are thrown into the search head-on. Here are some tips from someone who’s been there on how to navigate this new terrain while determining where you want to go…
What IS My Life Purpose?
Feeling unmotivated or unsure of why you’re here? You may need to get out of your own “personal bubble” to find your answer. At Now What?® we know that your purpose is bigger than you; it needs to serve others. Read on for some ideas on how to move beyond the personal and into a…
What If I’ve Never Had a Dream?
“What about the people who have never had a dream about what they wanted to be when they grew up?” I occasionally stop by the You Tube page where my TEDx Talk lives to reply to any comments. The majority are very positive. There are a couple of complete trolls who probably question and heckle…
Creativity Calling? Anxiety Interfering? Keep Showing Up!
In her Ted Talk, writer Elizabeth Gilbert helps us to see that creativity and suffering do not have to be inherently linked and artistry does not have to lead to anguish. Let’s encourage our creative minds to live so we can keep doing the work we love. What might your creative genius have in store…