Our dreams do not always come in the packages we expect. When obstacles change our course, sometimes simply showing up to be around the passion, doing whatever is needed (even the small and tedious tasks) will reveal new way to be with what you love. She Believed She Could: Abby DePhillips On Finding Your Path
What if Hopscotch Isn’t Just for Kids?
Sometimes hopping from career to career can be wise, fulfilling, and even beneficial, as you carry with you what you’ve gained in experience, knowledge, and contacts from past jobs. Our choices don’t have to be forever. How refreshing! My Career Choice: All of the Above
The Key to Work You’ll Love: Doing What’s Valuable
You hear it all the time, and admittedly you’ve heard it here: “Follow your passion!” It’s not always the best starting place because you might get stuck, not sure what that means. However, as you explore, develop skills, and find work that brings value, your passion may emerge. To find work you love, don’t (always)…
Changing Careers? You Are Not Alone!
These days it’s very rare to find anyone who stays in a job for life the way our parents did. If you find yourself in the situation looking for a change, here are some tips to help you get through: “Fear of failure, of looking silly, of being rejected, of losing status — it’s the…
#QuotesToLiveBy: Nothing Substitutes Experience
This is a Call to Action!
Whether it’s time to act in your business, your career, your family, your community, or the world stage, it’s time to put up or shut up. It’s not a secret that I’ve become more politically involved in the last eighteen months. That is the impetus behind this post, but I won’t be launching into my…