The best time to be thinking about your next job is before you need it, while you are still employed. Start now by exploring some of these ideas that will better prepare you for if and when the day comes to make a change. 7 Ways to Lay the Groundwork for Your Next Job (Even…
Career Coaching
Making a Happy Change
If it’s time for a career change, here are some simple tips to help you slow down and take that next step intentionally. Rather than rushing or running away, take the time to get to know yourself, know what matters, and be mindful in your steps. As this author expresses, this is ultimately about you,…
“Schooled” – How A Recovering Perfectionist Found That Discomfort Really Does Equal Growth
There is so much I often write about ‘back to school’ season, but this year, I have a new take on it. Over the last few weeks, I was ‘schooled.’ For only the second time in two decades, I went out for a local theatre opportunity to play a dream role. This past Sunday I…
“Reinvention” or Reintegration?
Many people are feeling a need or desire for a fresh start, thinking they need to “reinvent” their lives. As we know at Now What?®, the most successful “second acts” actually are not reinventions at all, but rather come from what this author describes as, “crafting a new idea that’s almost always deeply rooted in…
Let Darkness Give Way to Light
There is so much darkness in our world right now: repeated loss of life to the ravages of terrorists or racial tensions, and the polarity of approaches to the political climate in the United States. It’s not unusual for the events of the world to shuffle the balance of darkness and light within us. Big…
Do You Believe? [Video]
I promised you the third installment and here it is: Video THREE is about the third block to clarity: BELIEFS “But I can’t make a change right now.” We’ve heard it all. You can’t make a change because of the money, the mortgage, the college, the debt, the _______________. We don’t doubt there’s truth to…