There is so much darkness in our world right now: repeated loss of life to the ravages of terrorists or racial tensions, and the polarity of approaches to the political climate in the United States. It’s not unusual for the events of the world to shuffle the balance of darkness and light within us. Big…
Career Coaching
Do You Believe? [Video]
I promised you the third installment and here it is: Video THREE is about the third block to clarity: BELIEFS “But I can’t make a change right now.” We’ve heard it all. You can’t make a change because of the money, the mortgage, the college, the debt, the _______________. We don’t doubt there’s truth to…
Got An Identity Crisis? [Video]
Are you stuck?…… It was nice to hear from so many people who saw the first video that debuted on Monday. I hope I’ve answered your questions here in video TWO which is about the second block to clarity: IDENTITY. Do you allow who you think you’re supposed to be get in the way of…
I Want To Quit!!!
Exploring next career moves, doing a job search or starting a new endeavor like your own business are all daunting and often, frustrating propositions. Many times you’ll come up against a lack of results or clarity that dumps a heap of hopelessness on you in the from of “I want to quit!!” Should you? To…
It’s Garbage Day
It’s time to take out the trash, folks, even if the trash is YOU. I know that sounds rude, but it’s a new year and I’m turning 51 this week and as my patience for nonsense wanes at an astounding daily rate, I am passing my sass on to you. This is not a…