PROCRASTINATION – The Killer of a Job Search or Career Exploration
You think that life coaches don’t procrastinate? HA! Since I’ve put off writing this newsletter for three weeks, I figured there was no better topic this month than PRO-CRAS-TI-NA-TION. I am a PRO: A pro-coach and a PRO procrastinator. For some, procrastination is a lifestyle. For others, it messes with their well-being and even screws…
Inspirational Quote: Chaos Calls for Leadership
Relationships Matter!
Sure, technical skills matter, but no matter what field you’re in, how you relate with people and the diversity of life experiences you bring into your circle matters. “…building relationships is important because you just never know where the next opportunity is going to come from.” One Engineer Explains How Relationships Can Have a Big…
Motivational Quote: Develop Your Passion
When Everything Falls Apart
Even when there is a massive crash, it is possible to rise again and find a new way to be in the world. If you want to change, you can. 15 Steps I Took to Successfully Reinvent Myself After Losing Everything