Sure, technical skills matter, but no matter what field you’re in, how you relate with people and the diversity of life experiences you bring into your circle matters. “…building relationships is important because you just never know where the next opportunity is going to come from.” One Engineer Explains How Relationships Can Have a Big…
Job Search
What if Hopscotch Isn’t Just for Kids?
Sometimes hopping from career to career can be wise, fulfilling, and even beneficial, as you carry with you what you’ve gained in experience, knowledge, and contacts from past jobs. Our choices don’t have to be forever. How refreshing! My Career Choice: All of the Above
The Key to Work You’ll Love: Doing What’s Valuable
You hear it all the time, and admittedly you’ve heard it here: “Follow your passion!” It’s not always the best starting place because you might get stuck, not sure what that means. However, as you explore, develop skills, and find work that brings value, your passion may emerge. To find work you love, don’t (always)…
Career Transition and Depression
Mental illness, suicide and depression have been everywhere on broadcast and online media in the last week due to the tragic deaths of Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain. The reality of changing careers by choice or by force can put many of us on a shaky limb with our mental wellbeing. Let’s address some of…
Follow Your Passion and Make it Your Work!
Follow your dreams! Live your passion! We hear it all the time and sometimes it just sounds too good to be true. At Now What?® we know that it’s possible, and we know that it’s more likely to be successful when certain steps are taken. Sometimes we need real-life examples that it can work. Here’s…
What Comes with You When You Make the Leap?
Jumping from one industry to another may make it more challenging to relate your relevant skills to the hiring team. Read on for some simple tips to help you identify, own, and clearly communicate the valuable skills you bring with you. Here’s How to Translate Your Skills From One Industry to Another