Layoffs, downsizing, and “rightsizing” are a common occurrence these days, and often they happen without rhyme nor reason. If you sense a layoff coming or you’ve already been hit with one, here are some tips for getting through and finding the opportunity as you move on to what’s next. Survive Being Laid Off
new direction
#QuotesToLiveBy: Failure is a Part of Success
#MotivationalQuote: Best Practice to Start and End Your Day
#QuotesToLiveBy: A Worthwhile Journey
#InspirationalQuote: Result of Stretching Your Mind by New Experiences
When Your “Now What?” is Thrust Upon You …
Layoffs are an all too common reality in our world, so sometimes we are not afforded the time to ponder what might be next before we are thrown into the search head-on. Here are some tips from someone who’s been there on how to navigate this new terrain while determining where you want to go…