Broken glass. Sharp. Razor-edged. Hurtful if you get too close to it. Even deadly if used a certain way. Shiny and sometimes attractive until you get too close to it. Highly critical people live a tough existence. They are usually pretty smart and have a gift for seeing problems from all angles which can be…
Now What? Newsletter Articles
Ghosted: Job Search Edition
Looking for a job opportunity in the digital age is like dating in the digital age. You scroll, you swipe right, you wink, you might even “hook up” (interviews) and then … ghosted. No response. No indication of what went wrong. Just silence. Not that blissful experience of standing on a mountain taking in the…
The Making of a Drama: Fact vs. Interpretation
The post-conference photo of the office staff on Instagram had two people on the farthest right and left cut out of it. Was it a purposeful slight to those people or did the person who posted not know how to use the feature where you can pinch the screen to fit the whole photo in?…
Trapped With No Way Out
When all you can see is what’s right in front of you, it’s very hard to be creative. You may be painfully aware that you can’t stand what you are doing for work right now and still be utterly unable to see any other options. It’s a phenomenon that I see over and over again…
Wait! Don’t Set Any Goals for 2019!
Don’t set any goals?! Is that what I’m recommending? Well, yes. Sort of. I want to introduce you to a way to get new results in your life that will be FAR MORE effective than simply writing down your SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time-bound). The key to getting more bang from your New…
PROCRASTINATION – The Killer of a Job Search or Career Exploration
You think that life coaches don’t procrastinate? HA! Since I’ve put off writing this newsletter for three weeks, I figured there was no better topic this month than PRO-CRAS-TI-NA-TION. I am a PRO: A pro-coach and a PRO procrastinator. For some, procrastination is a lifestyle. For others, it messes with their well-being and even screws…