Looking to a new and improved future?? Here are some tips to make it a bit easier as you go from Point A to Point B, moving toward a new version of you. Take These 25 Steps to Complete the Journey of Reinventing Yourself
Reinventing Yourself
Proof that Passion and Career Can be One and the Same
Sometimes it’s hard to believe, but it IS possible to turn your passion into a career. Here’s some evidence in the form of six very successful people who did just that! What can you learn from them and how might you start moving your passion toward a career today? 6 Super Successful People on How…
Feeling Burned Out? 5 Tips for Self-Discovery
by Nancy Friedberg, Now What? Facilitator We’re living in an age of perpetual motion—so much so that we forget to take a moment to press the pause button, collect ourselves, and breathe. Proof is everywhere. While recently purchasing an Apple Watch, I discovered a new Apple App called Breathe. Oddly enough, this genius app detects…
Perfect Timing May Have Nothing To Do With You!
Finding herself (not unexpectedly) laid off, this young woman could have laid down with her tail between her legs, dog tired, and cowered in the corner. Instead, she perked up and realized it for the opportunity it was – a chance to make her part-time venture a full-time career, and one that she loves at…
What If I’ve Never Had a Dream?
“What about the people who have never had a dream about what they wanted to be when they grew up?” I occasionally stop by the You Tube page where my TEDx Talk lives to reply to any comments. The majority are very positive. There are a couple of complete trolls who probably question and heckle…
“Reinvention” or Reintegration?
Many people are feeling a need or desire for a fresh start, thinking they need to “reinvent” their lives. As we know at Now What?®, the most successful “second acts” actually are not reinventions at all, but rather come from what this author describes as, “crafting a new idea that’s almost always deeply rooted in…