“I know what I want to do, but it won’t pay the bills!” My answer to that is “It may not pay them all right away, but don’t let that be a reason to stay stuck.” One of the biggest obstacles to people making a change (when they DO know what they want to do)…
Taking Action
#QuotesToLiveBy: The Wisdom of a Proverb
Midlife Change Calling?
Midlife is a natural time for many to ponder what they’re doing with their lives. Wondering if you’re locked into a career you’ve devoted decades to? Not necessarily! These folks share how they’ve made a change with no regrets. Care For A Career Change-Up? These Stories Are Proof It’s Never Too Late
#QuotesToLiveBy: Difference Between Successful Person and Failure
Opportunity and Uncertainty Go Hand in Hand
It can be scary when you know you want to make a change, but you don’t know how it will work out. Do we ever really know? No! So, go ahead and treat it as an experiment, give it a go, and let these tips support you through the process. The 3 Phases of a…
SEDUCTION: The Salacious Way to Making (or not Making) Your Next Career Move
They want you! They need you! They tell you that no one can do the job but you! Boy, does that feel good. But somewhere deep down, you know it’s nothing you truly want a part of, even if they are saying everything you want to hear. YOU ARE BEING SEDUCED! I work with people…