I don’t know about you, but I am “scrappy and hungry, and I’m not throwin’ away my shot…” If you’re one of the millions of people who enjoyed the hit sensation Hamilton, you may recognize this tune. Consider it our theme song for today. I believe being scrappy and hungry is one of the under-appreciated…
Is an Identity Crisis Holding You Back in Your Business?
In my coaching practice, I run into a lot of entrepreneurial spirits. As people are talking through what they want to do with their life and career, the conversation often takes a familiar turn, and I know what’s coming — “What I really want is to do my own thing!” It’s an exciting revelation. Charting…
The Unfortunate Cost of Covering All Your Bases
As a coach, I’m in the business of helping people get what they want — out of their career, their business, and their life. Over the years I’ve observed a thing or two about wanting, and the many reasons why people often don’t get what they want. One big reason is that they’re holding tight…
Are you good enough?
If I had a dollar for every time someone told me they didn’t feel good enough, I’d be on the Forbes list right behind Bezos. Okay, I’m exaggerating … but it sure seems like it sometimes. I dream of being a writer, but I’m not good enough. I want to go after a big promotion,…
An Argument for Life-Long Employment
Maybe it’s being critically aware that I’m part of the sandwich generation or maybe it’s my heightened sensitivity brought on by the war in Ukraine, but the pain of those edging towards the end of their usefulness to the workplace is top of mind. Few of us will be wealthy enough and most of us…
The Helplessness of Career Transition
Day in and day out I talk to people who are on a quest to make a change in their work and, therefore, their lives. With that daily privilege comes a front row seat to all the ways that people get in their own way. I’m a witness to helplessness in career transition and as…