If it’s time for a change, for a new you, who might you become? Not sure? Here are some inspiring stories of folks who found a way to begin again, no matter their age or education. Take a look and see what stirs inside you!
Job Satisfaction
Tired of a Job You Hate?
How would it be to take something you would do for free (and often do) simply because you love it that much and turn it into wild success? Impossible you say? Not so! Here are 11 people who have done just that. Might they spark some inspiration in you? 11 Inspiring People Who Followed Their…
Proof that Passion and Career Can be One and the Same
Sometimes it’s hard to believe, but it IS possible to turn your passion into a career. Here’s some evidence in the form of six very successful people who did just that! What can you learn from them and how might you start moving your passion toward a career today? 6 Super Successful People on How…
The Life of a Double Agent: Managing a Major Change While Working
If you read my last installment, you are aware that I’m running for office in NJ at the state level. It’s a full-time addition to an already full-time business and a full-time position as chief operating officer of a household with teenagers. This is not unlike what many of you are facing as you search…
Perfect Timing May Have Nothing To Do With You!
Finding herself (not unexpectedly) laid off, this young woman could have laid down with her tail between her legs, dog tired, and cowered in the corner. Instead, she perked up and realized it for the opportunity it was – a chance to make her part-time venture a full-time career, and one that she loves at…
Do You Still Care??
One big clue that it’s time for a career switch comes in the form of repetitive thoughts of “I just don’t care…” Odds are at one point in your current job you cared … you may have even cared a lot – about the work, about the goals, about the mission you were on. When…