You fought as hard as you could. You jumped through every hoop. and kept your head in the game and your eye on the ball. AND you did not prevail! WHAT??????!! Four interviews over two weeks or seven callbacks over nine months; it doesn’t matter. Sometimes, you can do everything right and still not get…
Now What? Newsletter Articles
At the airport this past Friday morning: A young man (I am guessing between the ages of 17-25) dances/skips with perfectly pointed toes across the endless carpeted open space in the international arrivals terminal in Toronto. I see him from the top of the escalator two stories up. Upon a closer look, I can see…
The Ever-Changing Boundaries of Truth
There are so many colors of truth: White lies, grey areas, lies by omission, exaggerated truth, and complete fabrication. Which kind of liar are you? Who me?? Yes, you! Don’t be so shocked. We all lie. We just get so used to it, that we don’t even consider it lying. Telling your kid their drawing…
This is a Call to Action!
Whether it’s time to act in your business, your career, your family, your community, or the world stage, it’s time to put up or shut up. It’s not a secret that I’ve become more politically involved in the last eighteen months. That is the impetus behind this post, but I won’t be launching into my…
Career Transition and Depression
Mental illness, suicide and depression have been everywhere on broadcast and online media in the last week due to the tragic deaths of Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain. The reality of changing careers by choice or by force can put many of us on a shaky limb with our mental wellbeing. Let’s address some of…
How Powerless Are You?
Richie had a high-powered job in the financial industry. He’d been “between things” for three years when he came to coach with me. He was stuck in circular thinking that left him with only one choice that tortured him. He kept looking for another job in the same field, although there was no traction. He…