Richie had a high-powered job in the financial industry. He’d been “between things” for three years when he came to coach with me. He was stuck in circular thinking that left him with only one choice that tortured him. He kept looking for another job in the same field, although there was no traction. He…
Now What? Newsletter Articles
MAKE IT STOP! What To Do If You Have That Nagging Feeling
That nagging feeling? What nagging feeling? Oh! You mean that one?! The one where I really know I need to make a move or change something, and I just don’t?! Yeah, that one. The only way to make it stop is to do something about it. It’s funny. If you don’t take action when you…
3 Signs that Your Career Search Will Tank
Experience helps us to easily recognize patterns. Recently, I’ve seen a scenario enough times to know exactly how things were going to go. I’m here to warn you that if you’re going down a career transition path or completely looking for a career reboot, there are some dead ends you’ll want to avoid. Here are…
One in Hand, One in the Other Hand, One Pie in the Sky
Having your choice of jobs at the start of the new year is a lucky place to be, but when none of them screams YES at you, how do you choose? This was the situation a coaching client found himself in recently – an employed manager presented with a new job opportunity. He’d been looking…
Three Things You MUST Do Before the Year is Out
I have no tax advice for you. Nothing you should do to your lawn before the next season hits. Nor do I have anything to say about your frequent flier miles or doctor visits and insurance deductibles. I DO however, have three must-do’s that will help you walk into a new year with more energy,…
When Doing What You Love Won’t Pay the Bills
“I know what I want to do, but it won’t pay the bills!” My answer to that is “It may not pay them all right away, but don’t let that be a reason to stay stuck.” One of the biggest obstacles to people making a change (when they DO know what they want to do)…