It’s happened twice now. I heard the call. I wavered – looking for a way out, really hoping I’d find one. Then I committed and pieces began falling into place without my even trying. The truth is this has happened multiple times but none as clearly as the first and second. First, was back in…
Taking Action
#QuotesToLiveBy: A Worthwhile Journey
There’s No Going Back . . . If You Want To Be A Success!
It seems there are a few things that successful people learn and don’t un-learn that separate them from others. Clinical psychologist and author, Dr. Henry Cloud, identifies 10 “doorways” that high performers walk through, never to return again. One of them is something we know very well at Now What?® – don’t do anything that…
#InspirationalQuote: Catching Your Eye vs. Capturing Your Heart
Perfect Timing May Have Nothing To Do With You!
Finding herself (not unexpectedly) laid off, this young woman could have laid down with her tail between her legs, dog tired, and cowered in the corner. Instead, she perked up and realized it for the opportunity it was – a chance to make her part-time venture a full-time career, and one that she loves at…
What IS My Life Purpose?
Feeling unmotivated or unsure of why you’re here? You may need to get out of your own “personal bubble” to find your answer. At Now What?® we know that your purpose is bigger than you; it needs to serve others. Read on for some ideas on how to move beyond the personal and into a…