“I know what I want to do, but it won’t pay the bills!” My answer to that is “It may not pay them all right away, but don’t let that be a reason to stay stuck.” One of the biggest obstacles to people making a change (when they DO know what they want to do)…
Following your passion
Midlife Change Calling?
Midlife is a natural time for many to ponder what they’re doing with their lives. Wondering if you’re locked into a career you’ve devoted decades to? Not necessarily! These folks share how they’ve made a change with no regrets. Care For A Career Change-Up? These Stories Are Proof It’s Never Too Late
Time to Reinvent Yourself?
Here are some bits of advice from those who have done just that! Does anything speak to you? What might it take for you to take that next step? Top of Mind: This Is How to Reinvent Yourself
If You Want to Change Careers, Go For It!
You may think you have to stay with what you studied in college or what you’ve invested yourself in for a decade or more. You may think you’re too old to make a change. And, none of this is true. If something else is calling to you, give it a go! You may just discover…
#InspirationalQuote: What Every Accomplishment Starts With
Looking for a Good Read?
With the holiday weekend approaching, you might be yearning to spend some time with a great book! Here are some recommendations from successful entrepreneurs that may support and inspire you as you move toward your next chapter. 23 Entrepreneurs Share the Books They Always Recommend