It’s hard to believe another year is coming to a close, but here we are. As we wrap a bow on 2022 and celebrate the winter holidays, I want to thank you. I’m grateful for the gift of having you in my world this year and so glad you’re here. Some didn’t make it to…
life coach
The Power of “Thanksgiving” in Your Career and Business
I’m enjoying family time this holiday weekend in the U.S., and I hope you’re having a wonderful day wherever you are in the world too. One of the things I love most about this time of year is having a big, hearty reminder to reflect on what I’m most thankful for. As you may know,…
Here’s How to Overcome Procrastination
We’re heading into the holiday season, and I’m hearing lots of talk about hanging it up for the year — postponing job searches, client prospecting, and important projects until January. Yes, you deserve a break and plenty of time for celebrations. But in many cases, the holidays are just the excuse du jour to cover…
Stop Trying Harder; Do This Instead
It seems counterintuitive to stop taking action when you are in pursuit of something you want, but if things are not going your way, it’s time to stop doing and start BEING. Where male energy is about action and doing, female energy is identified as receiving or being. (That’s not to say women don’t take…
Life Lessons From A Disney Vacation
After every holiday gathering, show and fun plan fell apart over the month of December, my family decided to forge ahead with our vacation to Orlando, Florida that we had been looking forward to for months. My young-adult children had their sights set on Disney (15 years after their childhood visit) and we just had…
The Forecast for 2022: Happy New Year
You’re receiving this while I’m on vacation with my family which is a great relief after a year of hard work, tripling my business, and caretaking extended family members. Last year, I did a predictive post which is not my usual MO. I’m coming back this year to compare how those predictions played out and…